Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ISU Meeting Notes 20 August, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ISU Members present
Jessica, Calab, Lenny, Bunny, Mim, Mark, Ploy

Open house on September 3rd

Talk to ying and find out what she wants the ISU to do.

Weekly ISU meetings

Rearrange the office before the meetings on Wednesday. We will try to move the meeting to a larger room. Jessica will try to book rm 119 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Freshy Camp Review

Overall, the camp was very good and the ISU was very instrumental in the success of Freshy Camp.

The nurse did a great job and something should receive a thank you letter. The letter will be done by Anita and translated by Mim.

School Dance

It happens on Sep 5, 4pm to 11pm. Signs are up. Spread the word

Amazing Race

August 20, 2008, Jake Aj. Charon have more details about this. Songtows will drive students across town. The theme will be environmental awareness and community service. Everyone will end up bowling at the end of the day. ISU needs to spread the word. Max participation is 25/major. The scheduled ISU meeting will be the next day from 1 p.m to 2 p.m.

EC Rep

Jojo from Burma


Working on a policy stating how the lockers will be used. We need some help writing the policy before the proposal goes forward to request the funds to buy the lockers. Next Thursday is the deadline to have the policy.

Computer Policy for the ISU office

Should we have a policy for use of the official computer? Only the people in the ISU can use the computers. Official work only has priority over homework being done on the computer. We don’t need to write it down but it will be the policy.

Printing will be done by only ISU members. Non-ISU members will not be allowed to use the computer. We don’t want anything to happen to the computer. There is only one and we need to take care of it.


Each representative should provide an article for the newsletter.

Face book

Mr. Payap IC has been added to Facebook. Ken is adding students as part of Facebook.


Payap ISU was given an email address.
Need to contact John Ross to get him to put it on the website.

Open house

September 3rd is the open house. Payap admissions want the ISU to assist in the open house. Cameron, Lenny and Calab will decide who will go assist the open house.

Outdoors Club

There is a meeting tomorrow. Jessica says any clubs should be supported by the ISU. If they need something we should help them to get it.

Secretary/Social Secretary

The new secretary will be Anita and the social secretary will be Ploy


We need to discuss when all the reps are in the meeting about how to raise money.

Coffee Maker

We can raise money somehow to buy a coffee maker.

Office Telephone

We are trying to get one so we can function better. It might take a while because of all the official paperwork needed to get it.

Burmese students

Still need help with Cyclone victims

Freshmen Sports Day

The communications channel between the ISU and TSG (Thai Student Government) is not very well.

1 Comment:

  1. College Research Papers said...
    Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

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